Submit your project

Showcase your project

Are you part of or aware of a project that could serve as a model for urban regeneration? Do you believe this project would be a valuable contribution to the SUR Atlas, or would you like to share it with a wider audience?

We invite you to consider submitting your project to the SUR Atlas. 

By sharing your project, you’ll have the chance to showcase its achievements on a global platform and connect with an international network of professionals, researchers, and key stakeholders.

It’s easy to get involved! 

Just send your project details to, and our team will review the submission. If your project meets our criteria, we’ll reach out with a short questionnaire to gather more information and guide you through the next steps.

Why join the SUR Atlas?

  • Gain international recognition: highlight your project’s impact and success to a global audience.
  • Exchange knowledge: showcase your project on an online platform that connects you with a global network of professionals, researchers, and practitioners in urban regeneration.
  • Increase awareness: contribute to a growing collection of projects that can make a difference in driving and inspiring sustainable urban development worldwide. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your work. We look forward to seeing your project in the SUR Atlas!